Thursday, August 14, 2008

Psychic reading Definition.

A psychic reading is an attempt to gain information by using ESP or any other psychic means. A medium is sometimes used to help with the reading.

There are many methods for readings. They can be done with tarot cards, or tea leaves or looking at the lines on a person's palm. All psychic readings fall under the category of divination.

Psychic readings are commonly used to solve a particular problem that the person requesting the reading may have.

In a psychic reading the medium and the person requesting the reading get relaxed and ask questions that they want answered. The person may ask, will I find true love this year, or will I get married.

Questions may also be about career and finance. Many people want to know if they will find a new job. Sometimes the questions will revolve around a career or a job change.

For example maybe you have a new job offer , you may do a psychic reading to see if this new job is a good move for you or maybe you remain at your present job for the time being.

Readings are also performed around sex and fertility. Women get readings to maybe pin point questions that they have about getting pregnant. they can also be done about improving the sex life in general.